Design and Construction of Liner Systems


Lining systems are used at the base of landfills, ponds and other fluid containments to prevent the flow of water, contaminants and other fluids into the ground. A typical liner system may consist of compacted clay, geosynthetic clay, and/or a geomembrane. This lecture presents three common liner systems used for minimizing flow of water or leachate along with their specification, construction and long-term performance.

Course Content

  • Compacted clays; specification, design, construction
  • Geosynthetic clay liners; hydraulic performance
  • Geomembranes; leackage, service life
  • Selection of a proper liner system


Who Should Attend

Those who deal with construction related geotechnical issues or need to build background on geoenvironmental analyses & design including:

  • Civil, environmental & transportation engineers/technicians
  • Geologists, city & public works officials/planners